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Summer School e corsi post laurea

Il Dipartimento offre occasioni formative post laurea la cui offerta può variare annualmente:

The National Veterinary School of Lyon (VetAgro Sup) offers ten (10) positions each week from June 24th to September 15th 2024.
The candidate should apply for a period of one to three-months duration.

Accepted candidate will rotate, following a fixed planning, in medicine, surgery, reproduction andnin 1 or 2 weeks per month in emergency and critical care, including night and week-end duties.
Applicants should ideally be students in veterinary medicine in their two (2) last year of the course or just graduate.

They must apply by sending an email to International Office : filling the subject line of your email with the words: EQUINE SUMMER SCHOOL.

For further information read the flyer.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 20/03/2024 15:38
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